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Web Map
Item created: May 13, 2016 Item updated: May 13, 2016 View count: 2,565
Find out more about the Esri Disaster Response Program:
About the Data :
CAL FIRE Locations and Perimeters: Since CAL FIRE does not always send daily updates to the USGS GeoMAC we are utilizing their KML feed to keep this map up to date. Please note - these can conflict with information from the USGS Wildfire Activity feed below.
Wildfire Activity: This displays large active fire incidents and situation reports that have been entered into the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) database by local emergency response teams. The Active Fire Perimeters layer is a product of Geospatial Multi-Agency Coordination (GeoMAC). Wildland fire perimeter data provided by the GeoMAC site are derived from data produced by GIS specialists working on each incident. Perimeter data displayed in and delivered by the GeoMAC application are not the final or official perimeters for any incident and are provided for informational purposes only. The final official perimeter should be obtained from the host unit, which can be determined by looking at the Unit Id for any specific fire. The host unit is responsible for producing official and final perimeters for all incidents in their jurisdiction. Data source: USGS Rocky Mountain Geographic Science Center Outgoing Data Sets, also see GeoMAC metadata for more information.
Hot Spot: The MODIS thermal layer is created from the MODIS satellite detection system and represents hot spots that could be potential fire locations in the last 24 hour period at a horizontal resolution of 1 km and temporal resolution of 1 to 2 days. For information see our explanation in the description here. Data source: NASA EOSDIS website
Wind Data (NOAA METAR): Typical METAR contains data for the temperature, dew point, wind speed and direction, precipitation, cloud cover and heights, visibility, and barometric pressure. A METAR may also contain information on precipitation amounts, lightning, and other information.
Wildfire Potential: This is a raster geospatial product produced by the USDA Forest Service, Fire Modeling Institute, intended to be used in analyses of wildfire risk or hazardous fuels prioritization at large landscapes (100s of square miles) up through regional or national scales.
Red Flag Warnings: Filtered from the Weather Watches and Warnings layer as an aggregated live feed derived from the NOAA data provided through the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Alert system.
Radar: Provided by AccuWeather, Inc.. For more information on the predictive services AccuWeather provides see the ArcGIS Marketplace.An in-depth description of the item is not available.
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Size: 53.159 KB
ID: 5015c643880244f0abcef9cc4c8e4731
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